LETTER: Investing in LNG is nonsense

A Conference Board of Canada report outlining the impacts associated with 30 million tonnes per annum of LNG in BC is totally unrealistic.

The Conference Board of Canada came out with a new report outlining the impacts associated with 30 million tonnes per annum of LNG in British Columbia. ($6.9 billion in spending and 65,000 jobs annually nationally.)

I would like to highlight that this is currently a totally unrealistic scenario! Assuming the average annual production of a single LNG terminal is five million tonnes, 30 million means six new terminals! However

The Pembina Institute has recently stated that without implementing the recommendations of the ClimateLeadership Team’s (created by the BC government), any significant LNG development makes the province’s legalGHG reduction targets unachievable.

Clean Energy Canada recently concluded renewable power will quite possibly become cheaper than the LNG sales prices needed to justify the cost of LNG investments. This is a significant investment risk before including carbon pollution costs.

Several countries have LNG terminals that have just come on line or will be soon. There will be a global glut ofLNG and low prices will follow.

Demand for LNG is decreasing in countries like Japan which is reinvesting in safer nuclear.

To me, investing heavily in LNG is nonsense.

Mike Geisler, Bonnington


Nelson Star