LETTER: Irresponsible littering in park

I often walk in Hougen Park and I would like to commend the parks branch for the excellent job they do ...

I often walk in Hougen Park and I would like to commend the parks branch for the excellent job they do in maintaining the area, keeping it clean and tidy.

My reason for writing this is directed at the irresponsible people who litter the park.

Over the spring and summer, I have witnessed a number of items dumped on the park grounds for the park to pick up and dispose of.

These articles consist of a rusted barbecue; seven or eight boxes of cut up wood, possibly from a torn down fence; and a number of boxes of cardboard, just to name a few.

The last straw came recenty when, there dumped by the garbage can, was a toilet.  Yes, a toilet and its tank.

I don’t get it.

It is this type of person who would be the first to complain about our taxes going up.

G. Hartzell, Abbotsford

Abbotsford News