Letter: Irresponsible to allow cannabis promoter to advertise

One more point—at this stage, the possession of cannabis is illegal in Canada.

To the editor:

I was amazed to see under “Ask the Experts” (Oct. 22 Capital News) someone named Bob Kay promoting that cannabis “even if it is shown that today’s cannabis is stronger, it would still not be harmful to the user.”

I realize that this section is a paid advertising but surely there must be some discretion used in what is published. The advertiser is surely entitled to his opinion but it is highly misleading to allow him to advertise under the heading of Ask the Expert. What is his expertise except perhaps that he smokes it?

Surely, the individual advertising should have some credentials in the field he is addressing. There are numerous studies on cannabis that show that it is a harmful substance depending on the quantities used and length of usage. To suggest otherwise is irresponsible.

One more point—at this stage, the possession of cannabis is illegal in Canada. It is a Schedule 2 drug under the criminal code. Medical use is permitted under restricted circumstances.

For the newspaper to allow such advertising is, in my view, irresponsible.  Hopefully the paper will use greater discretion in the future.


Vi Brown, Kelowna



Kelowna Capital News