Letter: It’s not the drivers it’s the design at fault

I believe that Spall and Hwy 97 is poorly designed and engineered.

To the editor:

Re: Kelowna Drivers Most Accident-Prone In Southern Interior, June 24 Capital News.

I would suggest that the Ministry of Transportation take a much closer look at the statistics of the accident ratio at Spall and Highway 97.

The ministry always tells us that it is driver inattention that is the root cause of this high incident intersection.

I believe that this intersection is poorly designed and engineered.

The least that should happen is that a dedicated turning light off of Highway 97 on to Spall should be installed. Far too many motorists are trying to ‘beat’ the light as well as turning on an yellow light to get through the intersection.

I think it is time for the ministry to ask more questions why this intersection continues to have the highest accident reports in our valley.

The human cost and dollars wasted to ICBC demands a more thorough look at this serious situation.

Dennis Semeniuk,



Kelowna Capital News