LETTER: It’s the governments that need to change

I felt encouraged when the UN report on climate change came out — that must have been a tough one to get out.

LETTER: It’s the governments that need to change

I felt encouraged when the UN report on climate change came out — that must have been a tough one to get out.

I was encouraged this week after attending the Castlegar conference The World We Want: This is What Sustainability Looks Like.

During this same time frame I was hearing news from the feds as they continue to promote the development and export of fossil fuels.

At the same time, our provincial government is promoting the development of LNG plants and the export of the result.

There seems to be a huge disconnect between what the world understands what course of action we need to take and that which our politicians are taking.

We the people did indeed elect these governments to run the “ship of state” with the expectation they would set a course that is in the best interest of ship and crew.

This is not happening.  Before we crash on the rocks, it is the responsibility of the crew to throw those derelict captains overboard and replace them with those who are capable of navigating through these difficult times.

The crew has to take responsibility so the ship is not lost. The course is not easy; but the change is urgent.


Ron Robinson


Nelson Star