Letters to the editor.

Letters to the editor.

LETTER – It’s time to put paved shoulders on Knight Road and Lazo Road in Comox

Road becoming more hazardous

Dear editor,

Riding a bike on Knight Road has been risky for a long time, but many riders continue to accept that risk in order to enjoy the ‘Lazo Loop’ past the airport and Siefert’s Market, the Knight Road knights, down to Point Holmes, and Lazo Marsh and more. The crumbling edge of the asphalt that drops onto a dirt shoulder is a continuing hazard that gets occasionally, and temporarily, repaired. Most bikers choose to stay on the asphalt, as is their right, causing car drivers to slow to bicycle pace. The roads have gentle hills and curves that often limit the ability of motorists to find a safe place to pass. Sometimes the drivers choose not to wait and there is potential for disaster.

While this issue has been growing with the population, the recent advent of electric bikes has steeply ramped up the car/bike interactions to dangerous levels. Folks who thought they were too old for biking are returning to the activity in droves. More would do so if they felt safer.

To approve and fund paved shoulders or designated bike lanes on Knight and Lazo Roads requires the co-ordination of several jurisdictions. The CVRD has already shown leadership by approving the paved shoulders past the Lazo Marsh. The popularity of the new walking path along the beach at Point Holmes demonstrates what can happen when an effort is taken to capture the potential upside to the community when roadways are maintained and protected in a way that considers pedestrians.

A complete ‘Lazo Loop’ with paved shoulders or bike lanes would increase safety, improve traffic flow, and provide a scenic healthy route for locals and tourists alike.

Norm Wiens,


Comox Valley Record