All dogs are not created equal in Jackman Wetlands in south Aldergrove, according to pet owner L. Dondo, who says only one breed is allowed off leash.

All dogs are not created equal in Jackman Wetlands in south Aldergrove, according to pet owner L. Dondo, who says only one breed is allowed off leash.

Letter: Jackman Wetlands effectively a two-tiered dog park

Editor: A sign was recently installed at Jackman Wetlands on 272 Street, informing users that part of area is leased to the retriever club.

The dogs belonging to club members are permitted to be off leash and all other animals must be leashed.

When did it become practice to have two sets of rules for a public area?

I have talked to people from the club and many of their members are not even locals.

I and several others would like to be able to enjoy this area as it is well off any main roads and offers our pets a chance to swim and just be dogs.

It seems to me if this is a public park/area then rules should apply to everyone.

This is a delightful place to take a dog — ponds to swim or cool off in warmer weather, bush to explore room to run free and far from any busy road and freedom to just be a dog.

L. Dondo,


Langley Times