LETTER: John Horgan has done a good job as premier

Re: Premier not so green after all (Letters, June 10)


Re: Premier not so green after all (Letters, June 10)

Letter-writer Andy Neimers took the liberty to speak for all Langford-Juan de Fuca residents and say they are unanimously opposed to old-growth logging. He wrote the premier is not being a leader on this issue.

First of all, Andy Neimers doesn’t speak for me.

This province, Sooke and Port Renfrew included, was built on the forest industry.

As for John Horgan, he’s been refreshing as a premier. He doesn’t look for brownie points and does not play politics, nor does he “bob and weave” as Neimers would have liked less informed readers to believe.

Take a look back when the Liberals were in power in this province for many years and remember the Crown land gifted to the forest companies. As an MLA and premier John Horgan has done more for this riding than anyone else. That said, I am a long-time supporter of Mr. Horgan.

Bob Hammond

East Sooke

editor@sookenewsmirror.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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