LETTER: Kaslo medical society finds status quo unacceptable

Kaslo's James Morris: "Many people have already opted out and go to Nelson or New Denver for family doctors."

Re: “New group hopes to solve Kaslo doctor problem

In this article, Kaslo’s mayor stated that I did not want to co-operate and work with the health select committee. I sat on this committee and was privy to its workings and goals. I saw that this situation with rotating doctors and only partial emergency service weekdays only was not going to change. Those dissatisfied with the current health model started the Kaslo and Area Medical Care Society, whose goal is to establish a independent medical clinic with local resident doctors.

The society now has over 300 members who want the same thing, that is, doctors who know you and will provide emergency care when needed.

Many people have already opted out and go to Nelson or New Denver for family doctors. Kaslo and area is suffering with this unacceptable situation and we intend to change it.

James Morris, President

Kaslo and Area

Medical Care Society

Nelson Star