Letter: Kayla healthy thanks to cannabis

One hour after the first dose, Kyla’s seizures stopped and she went three weeks with no seizures at all.

Chris and I would like to introduce ourselves to the city of Grand Forks following the recent concerning visit by the RCMP to one of your local businesses, The Kootenay’s Medicine Tree operated by Jim Leslie. Our story is a very personal and tragic journey.

My husband Chris is a retired decorated RCMP officer of 25 years and we have lived a respectful, law abiding life. We retired to Summerland, B.C. in 2002 where we ran our own successful B&B business.

We have one child, Courtney, who lives in Summerland with her husband Jared. Our granddaughter, Kyla, was born Feb. 1, 2012. At six months of age she was diagnosed with intractable (uncontrolled) epilepsy with abnormal brain activity in the cortical visual area. After trying many different drugs,

steroids and the Ketogenic Diet, Kyla rejected all pharmaceuticals as well as the diet and her seizures increased up to 200 per day by her second birthday. The doctors gave us no other drug options and said she would seizure the rest of her shortened life.

We heard about Colorado and many kids being helped there with a form of medical marijuana called Charlotte’s Web. We searched in Canada for a similar product and Jim Leslie found an oil tested for low THC and high CBD. One hour after the first dose, Kyla’s seizures stopped and she went three weeks with no seizures at all.

Today, Kayla has only light seizures, maybe as many as 10 a day, sometimes non at all. She has started developing again, giggling, babbling, trying to stand and crawl. She is still disabled and is not cured, but happy and healthy. Her last EEG showed no seizures, spasms and her abnormal brain activity showed slight improvement unlike her last two EEG’s before the marijuana oil.

Since getting involved with this product, we have learned of many more people desperate for help with cancer, MS, arthritis, PTSD etc. There are different applications of this plant for each person besides simply smoking dried leaves and stems as the federal government has legalized. The law against derivatives is in the courts right now and going to the Supreme Court of Canada in the next months.

We all have a right to a quality of life.

It is my understanding the visit to this business by the RCMP was because of two complaints from your local citizens. Jim Leslie is very knowledgeable and we have referred many people, including suffering children to him.

Education is power! Please educate yourself and do what you can to save this business. You are very fortunate to have Jim Leslie and The Kootenay’s Medicine Tree business in your town.

The federal government will be forced to change the laws for medical marijuana and science will catch up eventually. The children and adults using this product cannot wait. Clinical trials are finally being conducted.

Jim Leslie and his team are an amazing resource. For more information please visit our web site: medicalcannabisforsickkids.com.

Elaine and Chris Nuessler, Summerland, B.C.



Grand Forks Gazette