Letter: Kelowna does not support cycling to work; or anywhere else

Why is the city not funding the work to complete the Rail to Trail path? We are being asked to pay for it individually.

To the editor:

I have always registered for Bike to Work week. I will not do so this year as the very limited cycling access to my workplace (UBCO) is due to be interrupted in favour of cars, and there doesn’t appear to be anyone at Kelowna city hall with the power and insight to actually promote bicycles in favour of cars.

With tens of millions of our tax dollars currently being spent on widening Highway 97 (which will achieve absolutely nothing), why is the city not funding the work to complete the Rail to Trail path? We are being asked to pay for it individually.

When did we last receive a request for money to widen a road? When were we even consulted?

Despite the fact that all studies demonstrate that widening roads leads to increased traffic (Google “Foes widening roads reduce congestion?”), we continue to spread tar across the landscape and invite more traffic into the valley.

Cycling is not a perk or just a recreational option, it is a form of transportation. We could get thousands of people to ride in this city if it were safe and convenient. But not if we have to find the money ourselves to make it happen.

Neil Cadger, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News