Letter: Kelowna water rate increases tip of the iceberg

The City of Kelowna’s elected official…undoubtedly have little or no concern to us paying citizens.

To the editor:

I was informed by the Utilities Department of the City of Kelowna that the excessive rate increases of water was based upon the recommendation of the mayor and councillors.

The process of formality is then submitted for approval by the bureaucratic BC Utilities Commission.

The City of Kelowna’s elected official, all of whom undoubtedly have little or no concern to us paying citizens and the costs of consumption of water, will eventually escalate the price of precious metals.

The increases are as follows:

Basic charge—increase 12.97 per cent

Block 1 usage—increase 12.11 per cent

Water Quality Enhancement—increase 25.06 per cent

What will be in store for us in the future.

Peter Anutooshkin,



Kelowna Capital News