LETTER: Kinder Morgan is a sleeping giant

If we allow it, our grandchildren will not understand how we could be so terribly naive.

I have lived and practiced as a family physician in Abbotsford for 35 years. I love it here and it is primarily because it is such a beautiful place. The trees, the fauna, the streams and the natural habitat is so uniquely diverse. Science tells us this type of diversity is sensitive and development has already taken its toll.

I am not a NIMBY and I accept that the Fraser Valley will see huge population growth. However, I stand firm on what commands control, but this Kinder Morgan Pipeline expansion is a big one in my book.

Kinder Morgan is one sleeping giant and if we allow it, our grandchildren will not understand how we could be so terribly naive.

Leadership from our indigenous people to city councillors from Hope to Vancouver are doing their absolute best to make us green. It is this direction that is going to allow the protection of our resources and beauty while seeing humankind enjoy this ecological playground.

The Kinder Morgan Pipeline, or Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion project, will bring bitumen and toxic diluting gas products through 980 km of Western Canada, Edmonton to Burnaby; 30 km specifically through Abbotsford.

Kinder Morgan brings money to shareholders in Houston, Texas while risking our lives, our flora, and our fauna.

This is only the second time I have written such a letter to the Abbotsford News. The first was back when Sumas Energy 2 raised its proposals to our National Energy Board.

The National Energy Board was a different fish back then. Unfortunately, the Harper Government has taken the NEB to a new and dangerous level – an autocratic bureaucracy designed to do business. The environment, human rights, the rights of Mother Earth and our indigenous people are no longer considered. SE2 would have been passed by the present NEB.

As alarming as all of this is, I am amazed at the relatively poor coverage of this topic. Please, anyone thinking this will not happen in Abbotsford, take a look at any Google search for “Kalamazoo River oil spill.”

Also check out how close you live to the pipeline, the pumps and the containers.

Alfred A. Chafe

Abbotsford News