Letter: Kudos People for the Park

If the citizens of our community feel strongly about an issue they can make their voices heard through collective effort.

To the editor:

Congratulations to everyone who worked on behalf of the citizens of Kelowna. You stated loudly and clearly that it was imperative to retain the 11 waterfront lots north and south of Cedar Avenue as parkland.

Ultimately, if the city lots were sold this land would be lost to future generations.

The city council members listened and voted unanimously not to sell any of the 11 properties.

The process for the use of Cedar Avenue/Pandosy Park started in December 2003. Since then, many concerned citizens have voiced their opinions and rallied together for the outcome that has now been decided.

In the future there will be more issues regarding land use, rezoning and revisions of the OCP. But one thing is for sure—if the citizens of our community feel strongly about an issue they can make their voices heard through collective effort.

Margaret-Ann Gfeller,



Kelowna Capital News