Surrey’s city council being sworn in on Nov. 5, 2018. (File photo: Amy Reid)

LETTER: Kudos to courageous Surrey councillors

Reader says raising taxes is unconscionable

The Editor,

I find it truly amazing that Doug McCallum believes that the majority of the citizens of Surrey are behind him as he bulldozes his agenda through.

Eight people ran for mayor in Surrey. Yes, he received the most votes but the other seven definitely had a number of citizens vote for them and collectively count for a majority.

To raise taxes when people are struggling financially and stressed about how to put food on the table is unconscionable.

While McCallum helps himself to freebees from our city (car/gas), the rest of us struggle just so he can push his agenda through.

I applaud those councillors who have the courage to stand up to his bullying and his pompous attitude.

JP Walz, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader