LETTER: Kudos to Delta for its devotion to arts and culture

Patti McGregor, former manager of the Tsawwassen Arts Centre, praises Delta's dedication to the arts.

I was invited to the fifth anniversary of the Corporation of Delta taking charge of the Tsawwassen Arts Centre. It was a pleasure to take part in that celebration.

At this time, I would like to give kudos to the Corporation of Delta and the program coordinators at both arts centres – Jacqueline Hamlin (Tsawwassen Arts Centre) and Lisa Doepker (Firehall Centre for the Arts) for the following:

• Offering programs that focus on the visual, performing and literary arts;

• Continuing the exhibitions, concerts and other events that are appropriate for the arts centres;

• Constantly evaluating current programs and events while trying new ventures, as well as listening to suggestions from the public;

• Accommodating other large groups in the community – Delta Music School, North Delta Potters’ Guild, Delta Potters’ Association, South Delta Artists’ Guild, Watershed Artworks Society (local artists who operate a gallery/store in the North Delta Recreation Centre) and theSidekick Players (resident theatre group in the Tsawwassen Arts Centre).

The Corporation of Delta, with the wonderful arts centre staff, are doing a fine job of maintaining the cultural pro- grams and nurturing the growth in that rich area.

I am delighted to see the work that the late Delta Arts Council worked hard for decades to establish is honoured with such commitment and support. I look forward to a future of culture for Delta.


Patti McGregor, former manager of the Tsawwassen Arts Centre

North Delta Reporter