Letter: Lagoon vehicle access beneficial to many

One residents wants to see the Esquimalt Lagoon left open to all users

Re: Sanctuary area being ruined by traffic (Letters, Nov. 11)

I am a senior who was born in Victoria and has lived in Colwood since 1982.

Esquimalt Lagoon is for everybody, not just walkers. I drive along the Lagoon every day and find no trouble, and as I don’t walk easily, it is so nice to sit in the car and gaze out at the sea. Closing Lagoon Road and Milburn Drive off at the Ocean Boulevard end is a bad idea. Can you imagine what the traffic would be like on Metchosin Road? It’s bad enough now.

It is so nice to see HandiDART buses, and cars with older people sitting there, out enjoying everything. No, the lagoon is for young and old to enjoy. Colwood does the best they can in keeping it  up.

F. Cammiade


Goldstream News Gazette