A Langley letter writer would like some flexibility in provincial camping rules to accommodate her family. (Black Press Media files)

A Langley letter writer would like some flexibility in provincial camping rules to accommodate her family. (Black Press Media files)

LETTER: Langley camper says COVID-19 rules don’t allow her family to camp together

The system doesn't allow for people who have more than the average number of children

Dear Editor,

I recently received an email from BC Parks, regarding many changes for the upcoming camping season due to COVID-19. On the whole, I am very supportive of these changes, and realize they are doing their best to follow rules and guidelines from the government, as well as trying to keep the camping crowd content.

One rule that affects my family directly, however, is one they made in regards to double sites. They may be booked for one “party”, and that party may be four adults, and up to a max of eight persons, including kids up to age 16.

We have camped with my sister’s family for years, and our kids especially look forward to it every summer. We each have five young children, bringing our total number to 14. Having to cancel and rebook single sites is going to be next to impossible, as those who book with BC Parks know all too well. Why are we being penalized for having bigger families?

I understand changes need to be made, however, I don’t think rules that discriminate against my family size should be one of them.

Su VanderHorst, Langley

Langley Advance Times