Letter: Langley City downtown dirty and dangerous

"I see nothing but lowlife junkies, alcoholics, hookers and bums hanging around, looking for trouble."

Dear Editor,

Someone was once quoted as saying that “the whole downtown area of Langley has turned into another Whalley. It’s gone out of control.”  That person then relocated to another city in order to feel safe.

I couldn’t agree more, as I see nothing but lowlife junkies, alcoholics, hookers and bums hanging around, looking for trouble.

I was on my way home from work the other day when I witnessed a disgusting crackhead threatening people and swearing at them on 204th Street near Douglas Crescent. That person had a backpack and was pushing a buggy down the street.

I’m not ashamed to admit I called police and thankfully their response was quick so they dealt with this useless person.

With all due respect to Langley City residents, your downtown core is an ugly ghetto because of all these useless parasites and is in serious need of a good cleansing.

I would never even dream of buying a property here.

Time for police to crackdown on scum and keep troublemakers under a microscope.

Mike Brian, Surrey


Langley Advance