LETTER: Langley has water in its chemical supply

LETTER: Langley has water in its chemical supply

A homeless man in Langley questions what's being put into the public drinking water.

Dear Editor,

What is it with chemical in our drinking supply?

Do we really need it?

Why would an unsafe chemical be added to something we ingest?

You could argue it’s safe, sure.

Did you know that some of the most famous celebrities grew up on farms?

Would you like to know why?

These celebrities grew on well water.

Do you think that because one man drives a tractor he is more deserving than the man who drives a bus?

Perhaps your dreams aren’t that important.

Perhaps you gave up on them a long time ago.

I don’t know how you can’t taste it.

I’m forced, as a homeless man, to buy bottled water.

That’s paying the recycling fee on top of the water fee.

You think those water bottle fill stations are safe?

You think those water fountains in the public parks are providing safe drinking water?

You don’t think at all.

You gave up on your dreams a long time ago.

Now you know why.

Corbin Somerville, Langley

Langley Advance