Construction of the Trans Mountain pipeline is seen under way in Kamloops, B.C., on September 1, 2020. The line will come through North Langley. (Canadian Press/Jonathan Hayward)

LETTER: Langley letter writer encourages people to move away from fossil fuels

Time to shift gears to cleaner power, local woman says

Dear Editor,

It is high time to move away from fossil fuels, and keenly move into the clean energy movement, with gusto.

It’s hard to change from the familiar to the more unfamiliar, but clearly the electric and fully green movements are the only way out of our overuse of fossil fuels, and overladen, with carbon, atmosphere.

Margaret Kent, Langley City


• READ MORE: Letter writer hopes heat wave gets people to change their ways

• READ MORE: Global campaign urges insurance companies not to cover new pipeline

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