Langley City Mayor Val van den Broek wore an Oilers jersey during the Rogers Hometown Hockey festival, catching the attention of one Walnut Grove resident. (Langley City photo)

Langley City Mayor Val van den Broek wore an Oilers jersey during the Rogers Hometown Hockey festival, catching the attention of one Walnut Grove resident. (Langley City photo)

LETTER: Langley letter writer takes jabs at mayor’s jersey choice

A sports fan chides Langley City's mayor for sporting an Oilers jersey in Canucks country.

Dear Editor,

It seems to me that Langley City Mayor Val van den Broek is a traitor.

Imagine my surprise as I scroll through the online edition of the Langley Advance (Rogers Hometown Hockey tour wraps up in Langley City – Jan. 12) and see her mayoress bedecked in a vintage Edmonton Oilers clown suit

My mouth agape, eyes unblinking, I could not believe what I was seeing. I read through the article, fully expecting the new mayor to have lost a bet. But no, I guess she just likes the Oilers. Uggh! Is this the wisest thing to do? I mean, she’s new, but surely someone must have told that her the optics of it don’t look good. Maybe one of those sneaky councillors positioning themselves for the mayor’s chair, suggested she wear it.

“Go ahead Val, you look great! That shade of orange flatters you.”

Can you imagine the mayor of another municipality appearing in the hated rivals’ jersey? I can’t envision Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson wearing a Calgary sweater.

“Hey Don, what’s with the Flames shirt”?

“Nuthin’. I just like the Flames.”

Now, I know tiny Langley City is not Edmonton (Thank God!), but common sense remains true no matter where you come from. If you want people to vote for you, you become one (not 99) with the people, and the people here are Canuck fans. So Val?

Here’s a tip. It’s free. Wear your garish togs at home. Preferably with the blinds closed. In the dark.

If the occasion arises that you need to don a hockey jersey again, I suggest the beautiful blue and green of the Canucks. I’m sure there’s a Pettersson jersey out there for you somewhere.

Dave Lofgren, Walnut Grove

Langley Advance