A local senior has questions about COVID-19 and concerns about the impact on daily life. (Black Press Media files)

LETTER: Langley letter writer wonders what COVID has done to people’s fortitude

Senior says she can't wear a mask and finds she's unwelcome in more and more businesses

Dear Editor:

As we see numbers for COVID rise I wonder if I am the only person who wonders about the reliability of testing? I know I’m not from talking with other people about it.

I wonder where all the influenza (not to mention bronchitis and pneumonia) numbers are? Or are they all put into the COVID numbers to scare us? All we hear about are COVID numbers escalating but it’s flu season folks!

Are the COVID tests able to discriminate between COVID and flu?

I wonder about mask mandates.

There seems to be a lot of differing opinions on whether they work or not and how wearing a mask affects our health. I am personally unable to wear a mask, and I know others who are also unable to.

It is no business of anyone as to why. Some people simply do not want to wear a mask (and to be honest I wouldn’t even if I could).

Mask wearing seems to be taking away my right to go about my daily life and do things such as popping into a library, visiting my chiropractor, shopping in some stores, etc., etc.

I no longer buy clothes as the fitting rooms seem to be closed (at least places I’ve been to) and I no longer stay in hotels. My favourite place to buy footwear is no longer an option without a mask. And I no longer spend any time or money in what used to be my favourite coffee shop (note used to be).

I only shop these days at stores who ask people to wear a mask but realize not every customer is able to because of health issues. And that list of stores is getting smaller and smaller. I truly thank the management of those stores for having the insight to be open to serving everyone and their employees for continuing to work, as well as all the truck drivers.

And last but not least: if you are wearing a mask that supposedly protects you, why are you so scared that I am not wearing one? Shouldn’t you be protected by your mask? I do realize that COVID is a nasty virus(?) but so is influenza and its secondary infections, yet we have never been under such attack to our right of freedom and choice as we currently are.

(A frustrated senior who looks back on life experiences and wonders what the heck happened to the strength and fortitude of the human race.)

Susan Aitchison, Langley


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