Letter writer questions why younger people have to follow COVID restrictions when their death rate from the virus is so low. (CDC photo)

LETTER: Langley man calls for less panic and a return back to normal sooner

The provincial government and other governments are losing credibility, local man writes.

Dear Editor,

Letter to Andrew Mercier, MLA for Langley

I realize COVID put extra pressure on construction but the hospital addition is badly needed and we’re grateful.

There is a deteriorating situation I wish to draw to your attention. It’s as tricky as tip-toeing through a mine field, but someone has to think ahead of the curve and address it, especially to our premier who’s getting it wrong.

We are overdue for a rethink of how our governments (plural) address COVID. I often start one-on-one conversations with people in stores, line-ups, at gas stations. Males, females, young and old – not one person I talk to believe the daily rhetoric on talk-radio, the six o’clock news and especially from government sources and their hired experts. They, including your government, are losing credibility. The lack of accurate information from sources we should trust make “fake news” look believable. An example is the difficulty of finding the COVID recovery rate of working age people (age 20 to 60). Some sources say it’s around 99 per cent.

If 99 per cent is accurate people are asking, “Why are we causing so much stress to our population and economy?”

• READ MORE: COVID death toll in B.C. tops 1,000 as 1,475 new cases recorded over the weekend (Jan. 11, 2021)

Of course, COVID is a deadly disease. There are no good fatal diseases! Everyone knows a cancer survivor.

I repeat they (you) are losing credibility. We’re crying out for less panic, more truth and a road map back to normal.

Ted Campbell, Langley

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