Local resident Danny Halmo has reached out to acknowledge the help he’s received so that he can keep his cherished cat fed and healthy. (Halmo photo/Special to the Langley Advance Times)

LETTER: Langley man grateful for help to keep his kitty happy and healthy

People with disabilities often struggle to get by financially, letter writer says

Dear Editor,

On behalf of all of us “persons with disability” living on a fixed income with pets, I would like to extend our appreciation to all the staff, volunteers, and especially the supporters of the Langley Animal Protection Society.

Our pets are often the most significant relationship in our humble lives and thereby very enriching to the quality thereof and important for our emotional well being.

Besides the usual physical and mental disabilities many of us also face financial and legal ones, too. This is why it is so vital to us that LAPS helps our community by supplying food, kitty litter and especially vet care which my sweetest little babiest girl Shadow recently endured, despite her vocal protests all the way there and back.

This little smoke Turkish Angora is my most cherished personal companion and her proper care is very important to me, which I can only minimally provide. Thank you LAPS and the Brookswood Veterinary Clinic for making sure we have a long and healthy life together.

Danny A. Halmo, Langley


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