A pedestrian uses the crosswalk near the Langley School District offices and the Langley RCMP detachment on Monday, Sept. 28, 2020 Township council approved a rainbow crosswalk for the area on Sept. 21, 2020. (Dan Ferguson/Langley Advance Times)

A pedestrian uses the crosswalk near the Langley School District offices and the Langley RCMP detachment on Monday, Sept. 28, 2020 Township council approved a rainbow crosswalk for the area on Sept. 21, 2020. (Dan Ferguson/Langley Advance Times)

LETTER: Langley man said vote against rainbow crosswalk took courage

A local resident argues that rainbow crosswalks is an endorsement of gay 'lifestyle'

Dear Editor,

The Sept. 21 vote by Langley Township council to allow the painting of a rainbow crosswalk is a remarkable affair, in that council assumes that a majority of TOL residents are in agreement with showing the colours of the LGBTQ community in a crosswalk between two government buildings. Their assumption may be wrong.

• READ MORE: Rainbow crosswalk between RCMP and school district office approved by Township council

The gay lifestyle is of no concern to me. What two consenting adults do privately is their affair.

But showing the rainbow colours is more than a statement of ‘tolerance’ for this lifestyle. This, and the exhibitionism shown in gay pride parades, is an endorsement of this lifestyle; even an encouragement.

• READ MORE: Langley East Liberal canadidate denies NDP accusation of homophobia over crosswalk vote

We live in a world of smokescreens and warped realities. This has led to the blurring of lines between what is natural and what is not. In this age of political correctness, it takes vision, strength and courage to speak out for ones believes and convictions. Councillor Margaret Kunst has done so and I commend her for her courage.

Joseph Mens, Murrayville


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Langley Advance Times