Letter: Langley Memorial Hospital nurses were ‘angels from God’

Editor: I was taken by ambulance on Jan. 3 to Langley Memorial Hospital after spending five days in bed with pain I did not recognize.

But finally, I told my husband that I have to go. Thank God I did.

After arriving at the hospital and having several procedures done to me, maybe three or four hours went by and a doctor came to me and said, “(You) had better call (your) family and let them know that I have to operate on you.”

I was floored. So that night I had my appendix out; it burst when he did it.

If I had been home I would have been a goner.

I was on the second floor and I was moved four times. My point is that Langley nurses were angels from God. They are the most caring nurses I have ever encountered. They smile and are patient and loving. When I cried, they hugged me.

I also have to thank my doctor for saving my life. I wouldn’t be home now except for him.

Thank you Langley hospital I now feel fantastic.

Shirley Bennison,


Langley Times