More and more families are cycling in North Langley and a local letter writer is concerned for people’s safety. (Heather Colpitts/Langley Advance Times)

LETTER: Langley neighbourhood needs bike lanes added for improved safety

North Langley's flat roads attract cyclists

Dear Editor,

I am writing in regards to the lack of a bicycle lane along 208th Street, namely from 96th Avenue, north to Allard Crescent.

While a long-time favourite route for avid road cyclists often in training, there is a growing popularity amongst young families who have also been using this cycling route.

It’s perfect for a family outing, either to Derby Reach Park, or for a destination ride into Fort Langley and back, for a coffee or lunch. Families come out in numbers, often cycle from home, as there is very limited parking at the 208th and Allard intersection.

• READ MORE: Cyclists applaud bike lanes on new Langley highway crossing

• READ MORE: Langley cyclist wins award for local advocacy

There have been areas along Allard Crescent that have been paved to allow a wider shoulder for cyclists, but it has not been done everywhere. It is curious to me that, with the growing popularity of this cycling route from 208th, across 96th, up to Allard, why a bike lane has not been added?

There certainly appears to be room to pave a shoulder of even just a few feet.

The street presents a danger to cyclists and motorists alike, due to the lack of any form of cycling lane.

I have both driven and cycled this route many times over the past 10 years, and I can appreciate the hazard from the perspective of both riders and drivers.

I would hate to think it will take an accident to have a bike lane put in.

Let’s be proactive and not reactive.

Alyssa Hall, Walnut Grove


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