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LETTER: Langley resident grateful Canada isn’t choked with ultra right-wing media

It's frightening what has unfolded in the United States, letter writer says

Dear Editor,

As a proud Canadian, I am very thankful that I live in this country. In my opinion, the biggest threat to the well being of the United States is the ultra right-wing media.

I have watched some of it over the years, and it is truly frightening – constant ridiculous conspiracy theories, misinformation, and outright lies!

I am very glad that we do not have that element of media in Canada. Yes, we certainly have a small minority of ultra right believers here, but nothing like the giant force that it is in the States. We can at least be thankful for that.

Jack McEwen, Walnut Grove

• READ MORE: Proud Boys, other extreme right groups, among 13 added to nation’s terror list

• READ MORE: 2 more extreme right-wing groups join Proud Boys on Canada’s terror list


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