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LETTER: Langley resident grateful letter about vaxx passport concerns published

Free speech seems to be getting overwhelmed in the age of COVID, local woman argues

Dear Editor,

Re: [Passports outrage local resident, Langley Advance Times, Aug. 26]

Thank you for publishing a letter last week from Kathy Noort in Brookswood.

She expressed outrage regarding vaccination passports, the irony of rule changing, the hostilities being created in our communities – her concerns resonated with me.

Many will call her position selfish, ignorant, arrogant, reckless, etc. That’s fine, but I would like to say that I was very glad to see it is still possible to post a letter like hers in your “Letters” column. There is too much silencing of voices going on these days in our media – I cherish free speech!

Yvonne Jacobi, Murrayville

• READ MORE: B.C. announces health and safety measures for back to school


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