(Langley Advance files)

(Langley Advance files)

Letter: Langley resident questions real motives of 216th Street and route designations

Why wasn't an off-ramp built at 194th Street to allow trucks to access Port Kells?

Dear Editor,

Someone please help me. I’m confused now with the removal of a truck designation from 216th Street north of the freeway once the new access is complete.

Information says that trucks will still be allowed to use to 216th but it’s not a designated truck route anymore.

What does that mean? Does it mean that trucks can still exit the new 216th off-ramp and continue down 216th to 96th and then west into Port Kells?

I can see truckers using that route because 200th is too busy. A sign on the freeway suggesting that they use 200th is not going to cut it.

What on earth is wrong with building a simple off ramp onto 194th from the freeway straight into Port Kells. In my mind that’s what should have been done in the first place, if indeed the object of the exercise is to get truck traffic into Port Kells as easy and safely as possible.

What I’m afraid of is that the 216th interchange is slated for easy access to 216th southbound in order to facilitate the building of condominiums and or industrial sites on the shoulder of land east of 216th all the way down to Glover Rd. and south to the bypass.

All this talk of removing the designated truck routes north of the freeway is just smoke and mirrors covering the true agenda of developer’s who run our Township council.

Jeff Laurie, Langley Township

Langley Advance