LETTER: Langley resident says a cancer plague is building

A Langley City man believes a poor diet and unhealed emotions are part of his cancer journey.

Dear Editor,

You might want to follow through with your New Year’s resolutions. I was diagnosed with cancer recently. A result of poor diet and unhealed emotions. In researching my disease I discovered the following information you might not be aware of.

We humans are about to hit the wall!

Stats for 1908 cancer rates in America were 1 in every 33 people. 1985 numbers, 1 in 3. In 2008, 1 in 2. 2020 marks the first time when everyone can expect a cancer diagnosis sometime in their lifetime. The World Health Organization claims anxiety will be a global health concern by 2020. Poor diet and negative emotions like anxiety cause cancer.

There’s no doubt a real plague is building. It’s been coming for 100 years. You need to protect yourself. Clean yourself out emotionally. Let go of hurts. Release feelings of painful memories. Forgive those who have hurt you. Most importantly forgive yourself.

Be proactive. I unintentionally gave myself cancer. I have cancer, I’m special. If you’re alive in 12 months, it’s predicted you’ll eventually be special also. How soon? That depends on how willing you are to work on your physical, emotional, and spiritual self. 1 in 1 people will be diagnosed with cancer. It doesn’t get any more serious than that.


Robert J. Bailey, Langley City

Langley Advance