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LETTER: Langley senior calls for better protections for renters

Letter writer would like politicians to do more to protect vulnerable renters

Dear Editor,

Regarding housing discussion in the new “At Your Service” feature:

There is a big issue facing me now as I wait to get into subsidized seniors housing. My current landlord is refusing to let me have a month to month rental after a year lease. I need the month to month so I can quickly accept a subsidized placement.

I am close to the top of the list at Langley Lions. Managers of rental apartment blocks mostly insist on a lease. If I can’t find a place by end September, I will be homeless.

Government needs to change the legislation to protect vulnerable seniors like me from selfish, unreasonable landlords.

Patricia McGee, Langley Township


• READ MORE: At Your Service: Township council weighs in on lack of industrial land

• READ MORE: Langley Lions housing project gets go-ahead

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