What COVID-19 looks like under the microscope. (CDC)

LETTER: Langley senior pens poem of encouragement during dark times

Less than a year ago, few had ever heard of the coronavirus. Now it dominates our lives

Dear Editor,

I am a senior who moved to Langley Township just under three years ago. Enclosed is a little poem I wrote, with some thoughts on the coronavirus. Maybe your readers will enjoy it.

• READ MORE: B.C. sets another COVID-19 record


Who would have tought, just a short year ago,

What changes were coming; how were we to know?

Without too much warning or time to prepare,

This virus arrived, spreading fast through the air.

“Corona” it’s called, such a sweet name, lovely name,

But ruthless and deadly its real claim to fame.

Our dear Dr. Bonnie gently led us along,

Encouraging all to “Be kind, be safe, be calm.”

Wash your hands, wear a mask, stay six feet apart.

We can control it, if we all do our part.

Now, wearing a mask is a bit of a bother,

But you could save a life, maybe somebody’s father.

It’s become the ‘new normal’, our life somehow,

But it won’t be forever, it’ll just be for now.

Many scientists are working at a furious pace,

To develop a vaccine for the whole human race.

So stay optimistic and don’t give up hope.

Buy plenty of wet wipes, toilet paper and soap.

Anita Folk, Willowbrook


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Langley Advance Times