Letter: Langley Township council off to a bad start with OCP change, again

Dear Editor,

The Fernridge/Brookswood area of Langley Township needs a new Official Community Plan (OCP). The history is that this plan has not been updated since the 1980s. The Langley Township attempted to bring in a new OCP in 2014 without success. The residents of these areas felt that too much of the drive and decisions were being made by developers and vacant land owners, which resulted in density levels that were simply unacceptable.

We rose up together and successfully asked council to go back to the drawing board. We don’t want to see another Willoughby situation in South Langley – too much density, not enough services and infrastructure in place.

Council is now proposing to split these two areas – Fernridge and Brookswood .  We, as residents, do not want these communities split up and want our voice to be heard. We feel that these communities are better together and if Fernridge is split from Brookswood the developers will have too much of a say in how the planning is decided. Any and all development in Fernridge will directly impact Brookswood – roads, schools, hospitals, etc. Also, community lines will be drawn that are totally unrealistic. In fact, we do not want lines drawn between our communities as we have always thought of ourselves as one large community.

We have started a petition that is located at this link [Change.org].

A Concerned Citizen of Langley Township

K. Michelle Connerty, Brookswood

Langley Advance