Susan Vowes said the Township wasted taxpayer money on these signs in Milner.

LETTER: Langley Township rain garden signs irks letter writer

Municipality wasting taxpayer dollars, local woman writes

Dear Editor,

These signs were placed today in the rain gardens (boulevard ditches) in Milner.

They are unnecessary and unsightly. There are already wood posts in the ditches identifying them as “rain” gardens. Owners adjacent to them are told they are responsible for weeding and general upkeep.

Now the Township is adding ugly metal signs that serve no purpose.

This is a complete waste of our taxpayer money. There are so many plants and trees that need attention from the Township. Painted metal signs will fade in time and will look even worse.

Whomever thought this was required should be demoted.

Very, very wasteful.

Susan Vowes, Langley


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