Letter: Langley Township should stop planned interchange

A North Langley resident wants others to insist that the 216th Street interchange be stopped.

Dear Editor,

I am writing about the plan to build an interchange at 216 north of Highway 1.

Dr. Christopher Carlsten has written a letter to the various levels of government including Mayor Froese. He is a tenured and endowed professor at UBC who has devoted his life to research regarding traffic related air pollution and health. He has over 100 related publications.

It is Dr. Carlsten’s expert opinion that this project which has no buffer zone is a “real threat to human health” and needs to be reconsidered without delay.

His letter went out to the government Jan. 3, however, the project still went out to tender Jan 6.

As a matter of fact I met with the mayor Jan. 10 to ensure he was totally aware of all the serious risks to human health. After he was aware of all the health issues, he still stated that he fully supports the project. In addition he also supports 216 north as a truck route.

This left me to conclude that he is choosing truckers over the health of the Langley residents including school children. There are two elementary schools as well as a preschool on this road. As a resident of Langley I find this shocking and disturbing indeed.

This “health hazard” is a joint project by the provincial and municipal government. They are spending our hard-earned dollars in a way that will harm our health.

I suggest we, the people, reclaim our democratic right to be heard and insist this project be stopped immediately.

Linda Nash, Walnut Grove

Langley Advance