One local letter writer suggests people can trick or treat safely by starting earlier. (Dan Ferguson/Langley Advance Times)

One local letter writer suggests people can trick or treat safely by starting earlier. (Dan Ferguson/Langley Advance Times)

LETTER: Langley trick or treaters, why not hit the streets earlier?

Starting trick or treating earlier could help people from getting too close to each other Oct. 31

Dear Editor,

This is not a tip but a suggestion that could be “put out there”.

Most young trick or treaters start at 5:30 p.m. Perhaps a suggestion could be made to those households or organizations who plan to provide Halloween treats to start the process earlier, ie. 4 p.m.

Most households are ready, so why not start providing the Halloween treats earlier? This would be more like staggering time and [prevents] individuals congregating, too close of contact, etc. Presumably we are ready, the weather is nice and it will be warmer earlier in the day.

Be kind, be calm, stay safe.

Vivian Jervis, Langley


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Langley Advance Times