BC Wildfire crews put out hot spots on Thomas Creek Fire during summer 2021. (File photo)

LETTER: Langley veteran says Canada already has key wildfire fighting tools – air force planes

Canadian military aircraft should be used for fires and moved around as needed, letter writer says

Dear Editor,

Given the terribly disastrous forest fires sweeping our province, it is felt a suggestion should be offered.

In the 1960s while stationed at RCAF Comox, U.S. waterbomber aircraft were observed picking up ‘wet’ water to fight forest fires, no doubt at significant cost.

Across the field were technicians who could service them and pilots who could fly them. This situation exists on every airbase in Canada.

Question: Why is there not a waterbomber squadron in the RCAF? A mobile squadron could be moved across the country as needed? The support system already exists and is being paid for by the Canadian public.

Even the loss of life and resources experienced every year with future projections often indicating worsening conditions, it is felt any costs would be more than justified.

I’m a 26-year RCAF veteran, having served on many bases across Canada and feel this would be a definite benefit to our country.

Ken Pruden, Langley

• READ MORE: Fires a ‘wake up call’ to return to Indigenous-led fire management

• READ MORE: B.C. reports wildfire situation stabilizing


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