Langley Regional Airport terminal building is among the additions in recent years. (Langley Advance Times)

Langley Regional Airport terminal building is among the additions in recent years. (Langley Advance Times)

LETTER: Langley’s airport around long before residential neighbours

Anyone who chooses to live near an airport must face some noise issues

Dear Editor,

[Re: Langley Regional Airport should change flight patterns, langleyadvancetimes, Oct. 4]

Having family members that are involved in the aviation industry, I would like to share with you that not only has this airport been in Langley since at least 1945 but it is a wonderfully active airport that contributes to the local economy on many levels.

While you may find the noise from small aircraft annoying, I personally welcome it as part of our community.

My house is just to the south of the path that helicopters frequently take so I also get a fair amount of exposure to this noise. I’m not sure which direction you would prefer the planes to arrive to and depart from the airport, but this is pretty much dictated by the location of the runways, the direction of the wind and the noise abatement procedures that are in place to respect the residential neighbourhoods as best possible.

So unless you would like to lobby for the entire removal of the Langley airport, which I would hazard is pretty much a non sequitur, the planes are here to stay.

It is easy to not want to have the noise in your backyard, but the planes were here far before most of our backyards were.

Sandy Mechielsen, Langley Township


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Langley Advance Times