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LETTER: Langley’s one-term MP won’t lack for funds

A local letter writer does the math on MP salaries and pensions and has little sympathy

Dear Editor,

You published a letter in your Nov. 8, 2019 edition from Mr. Bittner in which he expresses his concern about the departure of Mr Aldag from the political scene. Indeed, Mr Aldag himself was “disappointed” that he was defeated by Tamara Jansen.

One can understand Mr. Aldag’s disappointment. Had he been re-elected, he would have been eligible for a lifetime pension the like of which is unmatched in industry and commerce.

However, on departure from Ottawa, Mr. Aldag received $98,000 as a parting gift from the taxpayers. All departing MPs receive the parting gift which varies according to their length of service and the amount of their pensions, if eligible.

An MP must serve six years to be eligible for a lifetime pension.

For the past four years Mr. Aldag earned approximately $200,000 per year as a base salary. This does not include payment for any committee work that he might have done. As an MP he also enjoyed the perks that go with the job, and there are many.

I believe Mr. Aldag retired from Parks Canada. Doubtless he will be receiving an attractive government pension. I do not think it will be necessary to start a GoFundMe campaign to assist Mr. Aldag in his retirement years.

Aubrey Searle, Langley

Langley Advance Times