Letter: LCSS offers substance use program for youth in Langley

Editor: re: Hub offers Langley Youth Safety, Vital Services (the Times, June 1)

In reference to the article published on the Langley Youth Hub, I hope to clarify a couple of key points.

In addition to the organizations mentioned in the article, the initiative involves several other key agencies that are investing and providing resources to support a collaborative approach for delivering services at the hub.

Langley Community Services Society is one of these agencies that is investing resources to deliver substance use counselling at the site.

We were disappointed to read in the article that the perception of services for mental health and substance use are difficult to access and far away.

The Substance Use Program at LCSS has been providing substance use services to youth as well as adults and families of Langley for the last 29 years.

We are a free outpatient service which provides information, education, counselling and referrals for individuals attempting to create change regarding their personal substance use problems.

Support is also available for people who are affected by someone else’s substance use problem.

We are located in downtown Langley close to Douglas Park and our services are easily accessed by contacting our intake worker.

Our services are low-barrier to support residents of Langley. Access can be difficult from the outlying areas of Langley, but we do our best to accommodate the clients.

We hope with this new added service in the community youth will be more aware of the new service as well as perhaps become more aware of the services which have existed in this community for a long time.

We look forward to continuing to provide excellent service to all members of the Langley community both at the hub and at the LCSS location.

Candace Johnson,

Program Manger Substance Use Services Langley Community Services

Langley Times