LETTER: Leash your pet

I want to beg everyone that takes their dog out for a walk to have them on a leash.

I want to beg everyone that takes their dog out for a walk to have them on a leash.

I am terrified of large dogs and yet I had an encounter in my own home. I saw my cat come flying into my front room and under the couch and right behind it was a big black (poodle-haired) dog. I screamed then chased the dog out of my house (protective) only to encounter the owner, who flippantly said I’m sorry while her dog ran around in my yard and chased my 18-year-old cat and put her up a tree. She then told me to stop yelling and walked her dog home holding on to its collar.

Thank heavens I had the screen door open, otherwise I would have had a dead cat inside my porch. Though I shook afterwards, now how do I feel safe while this dog is running at large.

p.s. Just got a call from Penticton animal control and they will be following up. Thank heavens, as no one wants to be attacked, pets or themselves within their own home.

Lee Munro, Okanagan Falls


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