LETTER: Legal fireworks are safe

Fireworks have been used by Canadians for centuries to celebrate many occasions.

I am writing to you on behalf of the Canadian National Fireworks Association (CNFA) in response to the article, “Officials lend a hand for Halloween safety,” The Leader, Oct. 30.

The CNFA is the leading national voice advocating on behalf of the Canadian fireworks industry, which includes manufacturers, distributors, vendors and consumers. Our mission is to promote fair access and safety in the sale and use of fireworks through public education, advocacy with regulators and member compliance.

Your article brings awareness to an important issue: the safe use and proper handling of low-hazard fireworks. We commend the RCMP for targeting the dangers associated with the improper handling of fireworks and the sale of illegal products.

We would like to note however, the explosive used in the RCMP’s safety demonstration at Joe Brown Park is not a legal firework in Canada and as demonstrated, can be very dangerous.

In contrast, federally approved consumer fireworks are safe when used according to guidelines. They are put through rigorous inspection and testing by the federal government.

Fireworks have been used by Canadians for centuries to celebrate many occasions. For more information on Canadian Fireworks regulation and safety, visit our website at nationalfireworks.ca


Amanda Cameron

Executive Director



Surrey Now Leader