LETTER: Legalizing drugs is a slippery slope


I have noted the attitude of the federal and provincial governments and also some local governments with respect to the fentanyl crisis and can only say that I am totally appalled by the lack of any real integrity with many of what I can only describe as advertisements in the media.

The information seems to give the green light to drug users and encourages young people to participate by seeking to open more and more safe injection sites and also additional medical facilities to deal with drug use. The comments generally suggest no blame or shame in addition to the reference of recreational users. Such users are addicts regardless of any label you might want to put on them.

Providing these additional facilities is nothing less than giving a bottle of whiskey to an alcoholic and with the no blame or shame attitude virtually agreeing to impaired driving with no real concern for the general public.

I definitely believe there is a crucial problem with drug usage and with the current attitude of both the federal and provincial governments the problem with only get worse. The eventual legalization of marijuana will only make things worse. The suggestion has been made that the government will make millions in tax dollars despite the fact that is it clearly known and recognized that the taxes on tobacco products does not even come close to the expenses incurred from tobacco usage.

Legalizing drug usage of any kind is totally insane and all financial benefits go to the promoters who have absolutely no interest in the lives of their clients other than to reap the financial benefits. I am totally amazed by the lack of both insight and moral integrity of those in government and those involved in the drug trade. It seems that the sole interest is financial gain at the expense of the citizens who make the wise and sensible decision to stay away from said products.

Additionally lawyers who are willing to represent drug dealers and seek either acquittal or minimum sentencing demonstrate they are not worthy of their position.

What is needed is for all assets held by drug dealers be permanently seized and forfeited to the Crown in addition to any other punishment set down by the courts. We also witness some judges that refuse to deal appropriately with criminal offences and obviously work in conjunction with lawyers who knowingly pervert evidence to either gain an acquittal or minor sentencing. Further prisons should be run as prisons and not first class hotels which mandates that inmates are made to provide cleaning and other services required for their accommodation.

The time has long since passed for law abiding citizens to stand up to this situation and the media should be providing them with moral support rather than seeking to degrade law enforcement and honest citizens for speaking against what is now being forced on the general public by all levels of government. I would ask for a response from any government official detailing what they might consider offensive in my comments.

– Frank Wirrell, Abbotsford

Abbotsford News