Kelowna General Hospital is operating at well over capacity with an outbreak of the flu. - Image: -Image: Tomtar

Kelowna General Hospital is operating at well over capacity with an outbreak of the flu. - Image: -Image: Tomtar

Letter: Let’s celebrate our health care system

Kelowna letter-writer says it's time to give credit where credit is due

To the editor:

Our health care system often gets a bad rap for long wait-lists, inadequate care and lack of resources, however I want to take a moment to thank the providers we are lucky enough to have right here in Kelowna.

Last year I struggled with a series of symptoms that finally led to a definitive diagnosis. It took a team to put the puzzle together and I am thankful for them all.

Despite the limitations they often have to work under I believe they truly want to see their patients happy and healthy at the end of it all. At the end of my stay in post-surgical care I said to one of the nurses “I hope I don’t see you again.”

I think health care may be one of the only jobs where that can be said with a smile.

Holli Broomfield, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News