Letter: Let’s make a deal

Tell them this is what students want, what parents want, what teachers want and what the people of B.C. want, writer says.

It’s time! It’s now! It’s a must!

As we enter the second school week in September it’s time right now to repeatedly and relentlessly and rigourously communicate with our provincial government the need for students to begin their 2014-15 school year. Tell our provincial government that they need to honourably and sincerely agree to begin legal binding arbitration with the goal of getting our students back into the schools so the normal routine of the 2014-15 education year can start without further delays.

Tell them this is what students want, what parents want, what teachers want and what the people of B.C. want. Use your voice, your social media, your typing fingers, your handwriting hands and other acceptable methods to communicate the current needs of your children/family and the collective needs for our future. Together and en masse we can create movement in the current impasse in K-12 education in BC.

Just do it! Speak and talk. Telephone. Use social media. Email. Snail mail. Let your voices be heard.

Just do it!

Norm Wright

Chilliwack Progress