
Letter: Letter describes how past follows us into the present

The writer is courageous

Letter describes how past follows us into the present

Re: “What it means when residential school victims are told ‘get over it'”, (Citizen, June 24)

The writer is courageous. These words confirm once again the truth of residential schools and the effects of colonialism. They are an example of how the past follows us into and takes shape in the present! For some of us, the past is a shadow that’s unnoticeable, unless perhaps if we are standing in it; for others of us, it could be an unavoidable present monster. As a settler on this land, I see that Canadian history is the story of all of us together. And that the existing history does not have to continue to exist as our future. With the knowledge we have today, our responsibility is to relearn a way that guarantees a future where all children and adults can thrive. No baby is born with attitudes of superiority. One has to be taught.

The final report of the TRC describes Reconciliation as a practise of respectful relationship. The report speaks of the responsibility of all Canadians to constructively commit to ongoing work that starts with ourselves, family members, neighbours, in our homes, schools, places of worship and work, our community.

The writer is asking us to imagine building a future starting now, of a world full of respect and kindness. That’s the world in which I want to live. I’m in.

Miyo Stevens


Cowichan Valley Citizen