
Letter: Liberals have a lot to answer for

It's time to consider what kind of government we really want

Liberals have a lot to answer for

In a matter of weeks we Canadians will face a federal election, one which a recent Leger poll reveals seven in 10 Canadians believe is an opportunistic move by Justin Trudeau to engineer a “power grab” and win a majority in Parliament. But it turns out that this opportunism pales in comparison to the misinformation connected to Chrystia Freeland’s recent tweet, one that even Twitter itself labelled “manipulated media.”

Not only did Freedland and the Liberals eliminate parts of Erin O’Toole’s response to the question of medical care in Canada, removing its context and part of the text, but they are now continuing to stand by the original distorted and heavily doctored tweet. It’s pretty bad when Big Tech, known for its ruthless attempts to root out “misinformation,” tags your tweet as “manipulated media.” It is even worse when you attempt to pass it off as legitimate and when the prime minister defends it.

So what does it all mean? It appears that the Liberal government has now blurred the line between reality and their desired interpretation of it. That’s bad news for all of us as we head into an election, dubbed by one journalist as the “Unelection,” but still vitally important. Mr. O’Toole never said that he would eliminate or compromise universal health care.

Have we developed such a tolerance for this sort of thing that it no longer matters to us whether statements are true or not? If so, we are in dire straits indeed. It’s time to consider what kind of government we really want. In view of the repeated Liberal ethics lapses of the past, this deliberate attempt at misinformation, means the Liberals have a lot to answer for and we have a lot to think about.

Perry Foster


Cowichan Valley Citizen