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LETTER: Lights along Summerland lakefront were appreciated

Many residents enjoy walking along shore of Okanagan Lake

Dear Editor:

During these COVID-19 times, I have been following the advice of our Public Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry by wearing a mask, washing my hands often and practicing social distancing.

Staying in my own bubble has meant that I ahve been spending a lot of time alone.

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One of the highlights of my days, however, is my daily walk. I often do this along the public waterfront walkway, starting at the bottom of Peach Orchard Road and walking all the way along past Spirit Square, the Rotary Beach area, past the Summerland Racquests Club, past the old cannery site, past the Summerland Yacht Club and finally to the boardwalk in front of the Summerland Resort, and then turning back for the return trip.

It is a beautiful walk and I, and many other Summerland citizens enjoy our waterfront walkway regularly, sunshine, rain, wind or snow.

This year, much of this walkway was lit up with Christmas lights all along the fences and even double strands all the way out along the pier. It was very beautiful and such a lift to my spirits.

Many of us who daily pass each other along this route remarked how wonderful it was to have these lights.

I want to thank Linda Van Alphen and the Rotary Club of Summerland who, I believe, were responsible for putting these lights up this yer. What a great difference they made during these lonely, long COVID-19 times.

They left the lights up until just this past week and that was also much appreciated, not only by myself but the many people each day who take advantage of our beautiful shorefront walk.

Thank you again to Linda and the Rotary Club of Summerland.

Mary Madsen


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